Category: Hanga | Create


“We have been exploring for days now, we have found extra terrestrial cave. We have proof that it is not a natural by the marks on the rocks and how it looks like the roof was held up and the rocks on the floor have fallen down on top of nice and smooth rock. The questions here though is where did the creatures go? What happened to them? Are they still here? Well i’m going to find out and it might change human evolution.


This so called “cave” has actually turned out to be some sort of alien or big creatures home (my moneys on alien) and if you think about it what if it comes back and wants it back. Well we’re all dead meat. We have been given help by the government to keep people out, because you know it’s like world famous and people have started to talk about how it might be the eighth wonder of the world. One of the things is we got here by accident my friends and I were traveling to America for study, instead we flew into a storm it was crazy. But that’s a story for another time, we crashed onto a island not on the maps and there weren’t many survivors but the people who did were my friends so we went to go find some reception until we found this cave.

The cave was magical and humongous it gave us 2 bars of internet enough to make a call and know we pretty much live in this cave but it all changed when the ground started to shake, the wind started to rumble, the clouds started to move in front of the sun, the floor opened up and swallowed us whole. It turns out it wasn’t an alien so…anyways it was a unearthly and spectacular sight it had a luminescent and eerie glow to it. Well me and my friends were starting to feel like it was the end of us. We just had a mesmerizing stare, it was scary because we couldn’t stop looking at the creature it was like it had some enchanted power. It just stared at us with its to eyes which were on long tentacle like antennas, it was just a little bit shorter and thinner than the cave. But it just stared at us it didn’t move it didn’t speak it was just there. The next thing I remember is that i’m awake and i’m in a hotel and now I think i’m going mad.”


“Well that’s all we have for this weeks therapy session I hope you have a great weekend.” “Thanks doc I think i’m gonna catch up with my friends to see if they have the same sort of dream”. *packs his stuff and walks out of therapy. Says goodbye to reception and drives home.

Writing Challenge 2/3/22

Walking down dark and eerie streets is not very appealing. Suddenly, a slimy sharp toothed person jumps into my face and I try to fight it off but it won’t leave. So I rolled over and smacked it and because of that it bit me. My hand is bleeding all over the wall, the pain in my hand hurts so much I will never be able to use it again. Dark thoughts start to cross my mind bad ones but I just need to keep fighting them. I hear my name then everything fades to black.

Why GI is the best community in NZ P2

Glen Innes aka GI is the best suburb in East Auckland. They have a big Pak’NSave with trolley wheels that work, the pros about it being big is that it means more food and more checkouts. It also has the best KFC. Their chicken is juicy, their chips are thick and their drinks have paper straws. The Maccas wifi is better than any other McDonalds it even works in the toilet!


There are many Pak N Save in New Zealand but the best one is in GI. The reason is because it is big and there are more checkouts. The best reason is that the trolleys work! You know when the trolley doesn’t move forwards properly, it just stops all of a sudden and you have to give it a big push to start it up again. If that happens, come on down to GI Pak N Save where the wheels work. The people at the checkouts are nice and don’t care about what you’re buying (unless it’s illegal) but other than that they won’t mind.


GI has the best KFC in New Zealand. It’s because they make the best chicken. Their chicken is nice and juicy. Also their chips are better than other KFC’s because they don’t burn them at all and they put the right amount of salt. The drinks don’t have plastic straws, which means less pollution and more turtles. They use paper straws but they don’t go soggy when you try to drink either. So go to the GI KFC for the best chicken.

Why GI is the best community in NZ P1

There are many Pak N Save in New Zealand but the best one is in GI. The reason is because it is big and there are more checkouts. The best reason is that the trolleys work! You know when the trolley doesn’t move forwards properly, it just stops all of a sudden and you have to give it a big push to start it up again. If that happens, come on down to GI Pak N Save where the wheels work. The people at the checkouts are nice and don’t care about what you’re buying (unless it’s illegal) but other than that they won’t mind.20

GI is the best community in NZ intro

Glen Innes aka GI is the best suburb in East Auckland. They have a big Pak’NSave with trolley wheels that work, because it is big that means more food and more checkouts. It also has the best KFC. Their chicken is juicy, their chips are thick and their drinks have paper straws. The Maccas wifi is better than any other McDonalds it even works in the toilet!

Gi is the best community in NZ

GI is the best community in NZ


1 The pac n save is big

So lots of food

More checkouts

There trolleys wheels work


2 Its in east Auckland

3 GI have the best KFC

The chicken is juicy

The chips are thick

The drinks are wet


4 Maccas wifi is better it gave me 3 bars

That’s better than 1

It also works in the toilet

You can eat and watch


5 3 expensive gas station

6 Dominos Pizza vs Pizza Hut

7 free tunnel that goes straight to the railway


Today we had to write reasons why GI is the best cummunity in NZ. (BTW ITS NOT)

Writing Challenge 2/10

Mr Goodwin is exuberant when he becomes TikTok famous and it’s all over the news. “Samoa has never been so happy, says a Samoan citizen”. The now famous Mr Goodwin had only been on holiday in Samoa when he discovered a way to become TikTok famous. It started with Mr Goodwin tasting some foods and one of the most popular videos is when he eats a sour lemon. Mr Goodwin has been thinking of putting them up on youtube to make some money off them he says “while I’m on holiday I’ll need some pocket money so hopefully YouTube would work”. That is it for tonight’s news so thank you and goodnight.

My Dream Home

What is a dream house? It is a house that can be anything. It doesn’t need to be realistic, but it does if you actually want to live in it. You could have a house in the sky or underground. It could be taller than the Sky Tower, it could be smaller than an average house (I don’t know you would want that though). But it could be anything. So read on.


What would your dream house be? My dream house would be gigantic, aka 3 storeys high and rectangular but 3km long and 2km wide and it would be in a medium sized town in Japan near the shore and I would be taught how to speak japanese (I do not know how to speak any of the language so far.) Inside it would have an inside theater that the town can pay to use. It would be $100 per movie + $10 a person (because it is private.) It would have too many bedrooms that I couldn’t count them all. 


It would have a 20 inch TV, a PS5, a Xbox X and 0 ping. In the room next door it would have a PC 2 monitors and a window that is actually painted to be sunny. Also I would have a private teacher that teaches me all subjects. It would have a pool that would be long. It will have a beautiful balcony. On the roof it would have a helicopter that I won’t use often (I will have someone that can fly it and use it to get some food from all over the country.) I will have a yacht on the shore that I would be able to see from my beautiful balcony. I would have a private Italian chef to cook food (obviously.)


I would also have a private jet in case I want to go to different countries. I will have a part of the house able to be hired for $20 a person or if it’s someone’s birthday it would be $20 per adult (18 and over) anyone younger would be free (because I’m nice 🙂 and you could only be in there for 5 hours or less. I would have four full sized basketball courts and I would make three of them able to be used for like school tournaments. 


That would be my dream house. It would be big and in Japan. It would have lots of rooms. It would be able to let people in (if they have paid.) What would your dream home be?

I hope you read and enjoyed my story. Leave a positive comment on my blog. Give me some feedback on how you thought the story is.